Jul 7, 2011

pink flamingos

So ms. emily over at the anderson family crew sponsors a wonderful linky party.  It involves pictures.  Of yourself.

I love, love, love taking pictures of my family.  And the kids have become quite the posers.  Mommy on the otherhand.... Dislikes.   But this week I decided to join in on the fun.  Because it is the loveliest of ideas, isn't it?  To take the time to have someone take a picture of you?  And this little series of pictures showcases some of the mommy/daughter fun Katie and I had this summer.  A bit of pink flamingo softball.

Didn't she make the cutest of all catchers?   She's a tiny thing.  And as you can see {and Katie cannot :)} the gear was a bit on the big side.

And the team name?  The pink flamingos, of course!  Complete with our own mascots on display.
Up to bat came ms. Katie.  And as a mom your heart is hoping.  That the ball will be hit.  It took my little sweet pea a while.  But she got the swing of it {no pun intended!} and saved her very best hit for the last game of the year.  Smack dab right up the middle, passed the pitcher, passed the second basement into the grass.  She ran to first, rounded the bag, on to second where there was a.... very.... close.... OUT!
So, as the official "team mom" I had a first hand part of Katie's little summer adventure.  Up close.  Setting up snack schedule, making sure the batting order was correct and the most important?  Reminding the girls in the dug out there is no crying in softball.  Only hugs and chants of "Come on {Katie} you can do it, put a little  power to it!


  1. so cute! my oldest daughter loves to play softball!

  2. Looks like you not only make cute kids but also cute outfits. I can't wait to check out your shop.

  3. oh my gosh, pink uniforms! love love!

  4. super cute and I love the polka dot socks!!

  5. I absolutely love those socks and love the pink!!! What a fun evening!

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